judge: Hans WIBLISHAUSER (D) - black males, Anna TITS (RUS) - black females, Inge EBERSTALLER (A) - all browns
results by: Sylwia Salmanowicz & Izabela Dziubaltowska & Katja Auerbach
PHOTOGALLERY by Victoria Pirogova
Puppy class (2):
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobergaarden Forever JAGO DARKSTORM (Dobergaarden Forever Athos - Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobshangrila NAZAR (Sant Kreal Zeus - S'Lichobor Kenzo)
Youth class (9):
Exc.1, WORLD JUNIOR WINNER 2012 - Stay in Style KAISER (Hilo v. Nemesis - Stay in Style Airria)
Vg.2 - GINOBELLO di Altobello (Maxim di Altobello - Lemira Shade di Altobello)
Vg.3 -GOTTI v.h Wantij (Rondo-Valdez v. Residenzschloss - Eria Pro Fioreture)
Vg.4 -ARAMIS v. Germania (Carlos v. Milano Home - Wallis Ginga House)
Vg. - HIDALGO v. Havelland (Modus Ost Wild Wind - Edna v. Havelland)
Vg. - FUNKY Dobi Royal (Matrix di Casa Giardino - Charming Cobra Dobi Royal)
Vg. - EVGRAF iz Gavaona (Lord Maximus iz Gavaona - Nibiru iz Gavaona)
Vg. - BILOXI v. Sentinel Hungary (Leo v. Markischen Land - Tahi-Reme Priscilla)
absent - BENETON v. Sentinel Hungary (Leo v. Markischen Land - Tahi-Reme Priscilla)
Intermediate class (2):
Exc.1, CACA - AMOR v.d. Dobiaue (Hilo v. Nemesis - Avrora Arriva Aldman)
Exc.2, res.CACA - Pride of Russia YAROSLAV (Teraline Midgard - Pride of Russia Barracuda Boomaje)
Open class (4):
Exc.1, CACA, res.CACIB - ORSON v. Nemesis (Fedor del Nasi - Helena v. Nemesis)
Exc.2, res.CACA - DON del Nasi (Sant Kreal Zeus - Pride of Russia Dasha)
Exc.3 - HAICO v.d. Donauhoeve (Livonija Baron Heart of Hamlet - Demi v.d. Donauhoeve)
Exc.4 - WERO di Altobello (Bandit di Altobello - Lemira Shade di Altobello)
Working class (5):
Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, WORLD WINNER 2012, BOB - MAXIM di Altobello (Icarus di Altobello - Daria Deniz di Altobello)
Exc.2, res.CACA - EL DRAGO v. Milano Home (Primus Patricius v. Jahrestal - Angel v. Cobra)
Exc.3 - Gem'Givveeon UNISON (Gem'Givveeon Quinn Quinlan - Gem'Givveeon Lambada)
Exc.4 - MUSTANG BODNERGAS iz Zoosfery (Nitro del Rio Bianco - Cheremuha iz Zoosfery)
Vg. - Paradiz Ronado ARMSTRONG (Paradiz Ronado Kosmos – Sergius-Aleksandrija Melody Maur)
Champion class (4):
Exc.1, CACA - Dobergaarden Forever ATHOS (Fedor del Nasi - Lola di Altobello)
Exc.2, res.CACA - Tahi-Reme ZORDON (Nitro del Rio Bianco - Tahi-Reme Giovanna)
Exc.3 - ISAAK delle Due Donne (Genius v.d. Donauhoeve - Dina v.d. Donauhoeve)
Exc.4 - RUSSEL del Canale di Piro (Zylan Zais del Citone - Niobe del Canale di Piro)
Veteran class (2):
Exc.1, VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2012 - FORREST GUMP di Casa Shirak (Judifax Omar - Anouk di Casa Shirak)
Exc.2 - AMOR Extra Moravak (Como Jivoni di Matario - Elis Moravak)
Puppy class (2):
Vp., BEST PUPPY - CALLISTO v. Hohenzollern (Pride of Russia Kaspij - Armani v. Hohenzollern)
Vp., BEST PUPPY, BIS Puppy 8th place of all breeds - Dobergaarden Forever JADI SANDBLAZE (Dobergaarden Forever Athos - Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Youth class (5):
Exc.1, JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2012 - URAN di Altobello (Bandit di Altobello - Xantida di Altobello)
Exc.2 - Stay in Style KARDINAL (Hilo v. Nemesis - Stay in Style Airria)
Exc.3 - OZ di Casa Giardino (Varenne di Casa Giardino - Black Tessa di Casa Giardino)
Exc.4 - Modus Ost TAIKO (Modus Ost Wild Wind - Modus Ost Sophia)
absent - HELIX El Greco Nero (Dante del Naissus - Tahi-Reme Dee)
Intermediate class (1):
Exc., CACA - MY NAPOLEON v. Alten Adel (Archilles v.d. Bruggenern - Scarlett of Mon-ja-mes)
Open class (3):
Exc.1, CACA - GRANDEFERNANDO v. Safir (Latino Lorenco v. Cobra - Brina v. Safir)
Exc.2, res.CACA - LARS LARSEN Alingar-Mag (Latino Lorenco v. Cobra - Imidz Hanna Alingar)
Exc.3 - Tahi-Reme KRONOS (Zordan Zewi del Citone - Tahi-Reme Olivia)
Working class (1):
Exc.1, CACA - Pride of Russia KASPIJ (Fedor del Nasi - Euro Dinamika iz Zoosfery) - finished Austrian Champion
Vg.2 - ARRAS PITON di Arsomar (Caesartitusred dell'Arco Azzurro - Olimpia Nike di Altobello)
Champion class ():
Exc.1, CACA - Kontessina KEKS (Tahi-Reme Gerett - Evropa Dob Shangri La)
Exc.2, res.CACA - EL CID Extra Elite (Bojan v. Havelland - Elektra Extra Moravak)
Exc.3 - ARAGON v. Hohenzollern (Latono Lorenco v. Cobra - Pebbles The Best Line)
Exc.4 - Modus Ost UDO UILLIAM (Elsan Haus Aikido - Modus Ost Rush Raketa)
Exc. - A'CONDOR v. Residenzschloss (Fedor del Nasi - Catherine Halit Pasa)
Exc. - Dobergaarden Forever BOY (Ale'Alamos del Citone - Fortuna di Altobello)
Veteran class (1):
absent -OMAR-PASA de Gagnant (Eko Royal Bell - Ida Dzina de Gagnant)
Puppy class (5):
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobergaarden Forever JADE AMORE (Dobergaarden Forever Athos - Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobergaarden Forever KALINA (Dobergaarden Forever Athos - Tinkerbell di Altobello)
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobergaarden Forever INCREDIBLE HOPE (Icarus di Altobello - Lola di Altobello)
absent - ONO Milano Home (Tahi-Reme Max - Chantal Best of Milano)
absent - AXEL Crystal Creek (Ozzy Osbourne King of Darkness - Melissa Mirra iz Zoosfery)
Youth class (11):
Exc.1, JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2012, BEST JUNIOR FEMALE - AKIRA di Esposito (Idane di Altobello - Ophra King of Darkness)
Vg.2 - Napalm Dob VARVARA FOR NINELL NERO (Carlos Gerts di Prisconte - Modus Ost Mado)
Vg.3 - Dobergaarden Forver GRAND PARIS (Grand Mollis Armani - Lola di Altobello)
Vg.4 - OLGA di Casa Giardino (Varenne di Casa Giardino - Black Tessa di Casa Giardino)
Vg. - FLAME Dobi Royal (Matrix di Casa Giardino - Charming Cobra Dobi Royal)
Vg. - CHILI v. Magic Moonlight (Popey di Altobello - Cokolina)
Vg. - GIULLIETTA Opus Meum (Eria Pro Golden Fire - Nestea Nesi Iblis)
Vg. - BAJA v. Fenris (Pathos delle Querce Nere - Naemi v. Klingbach)
G. - ALEGRA v. Germania (Carlos v. Milano Home - Wallis Ginga House)
absent - MEILE Tikrai Nauja (Maxim di Altobello - Italia Tikrai Nauja)
absent - GORGEOUS GABIE Chagall Home (Tahi-Reme Dali - Bonny Best of Island)
Intermediate class (2):
Exc.1, CACA - Dobshangrila MIA KONTESSINA (Kontessina Keks - S'Lichobor Kenzo)
Exc.2, res.CACA - AIMY v. Zwisila (Anim v. Rebell - Befana Opus Meum)
Open class (11):
Exc.1, CACA, res.CACIB - OPHELIA v. Nemesis (Fedor del Nasi - Helena v. Nemesis)
Exc.2, res.CACA - FREYA Betelges (Ale'Alamos del Citone - Galilea Betelges)
Exc.3 - OPHIRA v. Nemesis (Fedor del Nasi - Helena v. Nemesis)
Exc.4 - BECKERS MYSTIQUE v. Nobel Line (Terror Lewan v. Jahrestal - Kriegerhof Odessa)
Exc. - LADY LUNA Milano Home (Chester v.d. Topferstadt - Evita Milano Home)
Exc. - Stay in Style GEA-GOSETTE (Gem'Givveeon Unison - Stay In Style Airria)
Exc. - JO-KESSEDY v. Milano Home (Iron v. Lipar Land - Evita Milano Home)
Exc. - Elegant Line SORBONNA (Zordan Zewi del Citone - Ferrona iz Velikogo Knyazhestva)
Vg. - PROMISE v. d. Treuen Seele (Nitro del Rio Bianco - Kenia v.d. Treuen Seele)
Vg. - Dobergaarden Forever CIKA (Maxim di Altobello - Lola di Altobello)
Vg. - Dark Kiss SULTRY SPIRIT (Don Diego v. Harten Kern - Vanhallen Black Velvet with Darkness)
Working class (3):
Exc.1, CACA - Pride of Russia FILADELFIA (Urbano del Diamante Nero - Sharon iz Zoosfery)
Exc.2, res.CACA - FAST N'FURIOS of Devil Inside (Mitto del Nasi - Rossiiskiy Kolorit Tsar'a Bella)
Exc.3 - Ak-Yar POEMA (Livonija Baron Heart of Hamlet - Ak-Yar Zhaneira)
Champion class (5):
Exc.1, CACA - Pride of Russia MERCEDES (Fedor del Nasi - Pride of Russia Barracuda Boomaje)
Exc.2, res.CACA - Ansochrito's CAPRICE (Stroll's Falck - Ansochristo's Alkarinqua)
Exc.3 - Dobergaarden Forever AICHA (Fedor del Nasi - Lola di Altobello)
Exc.4 - AVRORA ARRIVA Aldman (Livonija Baron Heart of Hamlet - Smart Wood Hills Tuberoza)
Vg. - Ansochristo's ENCHANTRESS (Leo v. Markischen Land - Ansochristo's Caprice)
Veteran class (1):
Exc.1, VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2012 - BEFANA Opus Meum (Gemini Ginga House - Fiona v.d. Treuen Seele)
Puppy class (3):
Vp., BEST PUPPY - CARISMA v. Hohenzollern (Pride of Russia Kaspij - Armani v. Hohenzollern)
Vp., BEST PUPPY - Dobergaarden Forever JOIE (Dobergaarden Forever Athos - Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Vp., BEST PUPPY - TEQUILA v.d. Treuen Seele (Hero di Casa Fox - Kenia v.d. Treuen Seele)
Youth class (11):
Exc.1, JUNIOR WORLD WINNER - BRINA BAHILU de Grande Vinko (Zedor del Nasi - Ukrainka de Grande Vinko)
Vg.2 - GABY v. Nobel Line (Zordan Zewi del Citone - Ansochristo's Caprice)
Vg.3 - Pride of Russia BOURGEOIS (Pride of Russia Sidor - Pride of Russia Hexa)
Vg.4 - TARA z Padoku (Oscar z Padoku - Sant Kreal Riorita)
Vg. - IN LOVE El Greco Nero (Imidz Tango Valjur Land - Sasha di Campovalano)
Vg. - CINTA z Podolanky (Orthos v. Aurachgrund - Basta z Podolanky)
Vg. - Brown Chief AYDEN (Teraline Midgard - Arwen)
Vg. - Pride of Russia ENERGY (Pride of Russia Odin - Pride of Russia Kralja)
absent - Paradiz Ronado MOULIN ROUGE (Ali del Fiorsilva - Pride of Russia Arabeska)
absent - Dobgun's MINON (Dobgun's President - True North Blaise T'Dobgun)
absent - SHE IS PERFECT v. Haus Erfullungen Vunschen (Modus Ost Udo Uilliam - Princes Black Pearl iz Zoosfery)
Intermediate class (4):
Exc.1, CACA - AURORA v. Ambassador (Fedor del Nasi - Zemic's Arwen)
Exc.2, res.CACA - MARA v. Alten Adel (Achilles v.d. Bruggenern - Scarlett of Mon-ja-mes)
Exc.3 - Semper Fidelis I'M THE ONE (Pride of Russia Kaspij - Come As You Are Tiffany)
Open class (2):
Exc.1, CACA - ODAMAE v. Nemesis (Fedor del Nasi - Helena v. Nemesis)
Exc.2, res.CACA - FIRST BABY des Yeux de la Revanche (Prinz Paris v. Jahrestal - Tabata des Ceps Fleuris)
Working class (2):
Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, WORLD WINNER 2012 - ARMANI v. Hohenzollern (Latino Lorenco v. Cobra - Pebbles the Best Line) - finished International & Austrian Champion
Champion class:
Exc.1, CACA - Modus Ost RUSH RAKETA (Livonija Baron Hitch Cock - Modus Ost Evva Eurydice)
Exc.2, res.CACA - Izrafel J'ADORE JEWELS (Hilo v. Nemesis - Izrafel Maya di Altobello)
Veteran class (1):
Exc.1, VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2012 - Kriegerhof KHLOE-KALINA (Smart Wood Hills Elisir - Stroll's Zoe Zarina)